How do I bake an American Idol Birthday cake for my seven year old?
2006-03-07 12:50:20 UTC
How do I bake an American Idol Birthday cake for my seven year old?
Four answers:
2006-03-07 18:57:48 UTC
Umm get a fun american idol picture off line then print it in color and take it to your local cake place that make picture cakes and they will do the rest.
2006-03-07 19:10:25 UTC
Scan into your computer an American Idol logo from a t-shirt, print it off and then draw it on top of your favourite cake recipe.

I did it with my son's favourite Clifford pajamas for his second birthday ~ because he wanted that picture on his cake. It worked out great.
2006-03-07 12:51:54 UTC
look for these thing that look like cake bake the cake like you normally would and then you put the picture(made out of icing)on top of the cake
2006-03-07 14:12:45 UTC
Find an "A" shaped pan.Buy some Light blue and Dark blue icing.And go crazy

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