From leftfield, how come so many girls have trouble eating in front of people they don't know or on a date?
2006-03-28 18:48:50 UTC
From leftfield, how come so many girls have trouble eating in front of people they don't know or on a date?
Eleven answers:
2006-03-28 18:51:39 UTC
There is a misconception that it is not feminine or "girly" to eat a healthy portion of food. It's just one of the many social pressures girls face.
♫♪♫ PINKY ♫♪♫
2006-03-28 19:01:34 UTC
Women have this crazy notion (dont ask where it generated from) that if they eat to much or sloppily in front of men it will be precived as fat, nasty and greedy.... when most men wouldnt think that at all... I studied this in college for a bit, it has something to do with the psych makeup of womens brains in the 20th century...... the way they are raised, etc....

Women wernt always like that...and in other cultures it is not as bad as it is here in the US.
2006-03-28 18:59:50 UTC
Could be because its a sort of biological act of intimacy which is strongly associated with immediate family and not with 'strangers' - maybe this awareness is greater in females (as potential mothers they instinctively see/experience the act of feeding at a different level than mere hunter/gatherer males).

Communal eating is a very recent phenomenon in evolutionary terms... at least that's my explanation - as a man who has the same trouble!
2006-03-28 20:29:23 UTC
well guys i've known have always said they like a girl to eat with a healty appetite cause it kinda represents a healty appetite in bed.. i get nervous eating in front of a new date or people i don't know cause i practise bad table manners at
2006-03-28 19:14:55 UTC
They don't want to do something people would consider embarassing - drop food on her clothes, get something on her face, choke, make milk come out of her nose :), etc. Do something silly to break the ice - make her feel comfortable. There is no reason she should have to starve.
Kristen K
2006-03-28 18:57:55 UTC
Because society teaches us that girls must be more feminine and eat small portions and with grace. It's not until we're very comfortable with our guy that we'll eat normally.

It's kind of the same thing where guys will hold in their gas in front of a girl until after he's comfortable with her.

Same thing, different circumstance.
2006-03-28 18:55:16 UTC
a lot of women think about how other people eat and especially if they are pet pieved by eating habits...we also don't want to make a mess or make you think we are pigs...
2006-03-28 19:05:02 UTC
i dont know the answer but i am 34 and have had the prob all my life. i think its just self consiousness
2006-03-28 18:52:27 UTC
They do not want to spill food on themself, or get food in their teeth.
2006-03-28 18:51:07 UTC
because most of the time thay r sloppy eaters
2006-03-28 18:50:19 UTC
they dont want people to think they are a pig so they watch what they eat

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