when deep frying wings, how do i know when the OIL is hot enuf for the wings if i dont have a thermometer?
2006-02-04 16:54:30 UTC
when deep frying wings, how do i know when the OIL is hot enuf for the wings if i dont have a thermometer?
Ten answers:
2006-02-04 16:59:39 UTC
Take a small piece of bread, about an inch square, and toss it in the oil.

It should brown on either side in about 20 seconds.
2006-02-04 16:59:27 UTC
Thats a good question. I use an electric stove and set the dial to #8 if that helps. Stand there and keep an eye on your oil. When it starts to pop I put my wings in. If they look like they are cooking too fast I turn it down alittle.

I cover my frying pan with a frying pan screen so I don't get splashed with hot oil. Do you have anyone who can come over and help you out ?
2006-02-06 10:15:51 UTC
yeah! using water is a bit messy also, once it sizzles some oil may also sizzle with it, so just use flour or a moist breading of your wings... if the flour or the moist breading sizzles and floats the oil is hot enough for frying

or you can also try putting your hand over the oil, if you cant tolerate the heat in 5 secs. then its already hot enough
2006-02-04 17:15:55 UTC
Well, don't use your'e finger! :) Heat the oil a minute or two and them drop a few drops of water into it, when it sizzles its probably hot enough. But don't ever put very much water into oil hot enough to cook in, it will boil over.

And when the wings float ( if the oil is deep enough to sink them ) they are usually done.
2006-02-05 20:12:01 UTC
NEVER NEVER NEVER USE WATER!!!! If the oil is past the point of being hot, (350 degrees) water will actually explode as soon as it hits the oil. This will send water AND oil out of the pan and cause burns or possibly even a grease fire. Use the bread as previously instructed, it will give you a truer reading than anything. (I have deep fried many turkeys using this technique and it works well).
2006-02-04 20:09:03 UTC
Throw some water drops on the oil, if it sizzles then it's ready.
2006-02-04 16:57:56 UTC
Put 1 drop of water if it sizzles, it's ready.
2006-02-04 16:58:58 UTC
i believe your best bet is to see if the oil is boiling. as to the first answer, what person with common sense would stick their finger in hot oil.
2006-02-04 16:59:20 UTC
add a drop of water.if it sizzles then it's ready
addison verbena
2006-02-04 17:58:43 UTC
Please do not use water. Use flour. If the flour sizzles you know it is ready.

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