I'm thinking of throwing a "tacky/trashy" party - hoping to get ideas for food, drink, decoration, and games
2006-03-26 21:35:02 UTC
I'm thinking of throwing a "tacky/trashy" party - hoping to get ideas for food, drink, decoration, and games
Eleven answers:
cy ko tic
2006-03-26 22:04:37 UTC
Food: cold pizza

Drink: Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer

Decoration: Try to find an old avocado green or harvest yellow appliances. Buy an old used sofa.

Games: Reinact your favorite Jerry Springer episodes; belching contests; try to light farts on fire

I also think you should ask each guest to sit on the couch with the fingers of one hand in the front of their pants for a picture.
2016-12-07 08:11:50 UTC
bypass Floridian - palm timber and beachy (shells etc). once you're partying outdoors, bypass the tiki torches for typhoon lamps (those with the oil basin and glass bulb around the wick). food could be problematic, yet clean fruit will help set off off the tequila. you could constantly grill out (which could be a real existence saver because you may get a extreme volume accomplished very quickly), yet while the grill isn't an option, purely scrub down your oven rack and crank up the warmth. i recognize it sounds strange, yet i've got accomplished it and it truly works. Kabobs are constantly large because you may get the prep artwork accomplished mutually as your coals (or coils) are getting to the properly suited temperature - shimp, peppers, mushrooms, beef suggestions, pineapple... Hit the beef and veggie departments for notion, yet ensure you ask your travellers approximately any food allergies. not something spoils a celebration like a visit to the ER.
2006-03-26 21:38:43 UTC
Well we uses to fill inflatable sex dolls with helium at our tacky end of the world parties back in California.
2006-03-26 21:40:50 UTC
lol. I have never heard of such a thing but just picturing it gave me a few good ideas.. just take hotdogs and warm them then slice them and spear them with cheese cubes on toothpicks as appetizers.. put out lawn chairs or inflateable furniture instead of regular furniture.. games would have to be drinking games if it is an adult party... decorations would have to be lots of animal prints or beer cans.. lol just go the opposite of good taste and you will be fine... Thanks for the idea!!!
2006-03-27 07:30:02 UTC
decor= factory shops' last year x-mas decorations

drink= beer, coke, lemonade, ale, ginger-beer

food= sausage stix, cheesey stix, sausage rolls, sushi

games= who can stay standing by the end of the party!

the good thing about this game is that, if your party sux, everyone is a winner and if your party rox, everyone is a loser apart from the saddo in the corner eating all the chessey stix and lemonade!

xxxx good luck with it xxxx
Dr. Mojo
2006-03-26 21:44:19 UTC
HEY SIN,all you really have to do is invite me. I will give you all the tacky & trashy you could handle!!! and I`m sure you would love my games too!!!
2006-03-26 22:10:38 UTC
Tiny little cocktail franks on toothpics

Cocktail onions (coloured) on toothpics

fairy bread (butter white bread on one side and sprinkle with hundreds and thousands. this may be a uniquely australian thing)

i'm sure there are some really crappy american beers that would be tackly. what about old milwaukee?
2006-03-26 21:38:37 UTC
As for games, how about Pin the Tail on the Dominatrix?
2006-03-26 21:38:55 UTC
Inflatable furniture?
2006-03-26 21:41:26 UTC
toga party!


energy drinks!

toilet paper decoration!

pin the tail on donkey!
2006-03-26 21:38:22 UTC
drink = beer

games = drinking games/ strip games esp. strip poker

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