Ooohh sounds like fun! I'm not so sure about a brunch though, guys just don't dig brunches.. know what I mean? I think you're better off doing dinner, but that's just my opinion of course.
I came up with only a couple theme ideas:
A 'Daddy's little Girl' Theme would be so cute! (everything his choice! and done by him and his buddies! food, decor & planning)
A 'Pretty In Pink' Theme would be fun and just gorgeous I think!...(you guessed it! Everyone and everything in pink)
A Baby Shower with no games? No fun! j/k
With it being co-ed and all, you may want to consider BBQ'd meats, or lots of finger food as the men will cry all the way home if there isn't any... but that doesn't sound too sophistocated does it? Nevermind that idea.
Potluck? No, not sophistocated.
I picture tables, double covered in crisp white linens, with a handful of peach roses in the centre in a simple clear glass tumbler.
Glassware/Dishware/tableware: Renting is the best way if you got $$$. Go with traditional round platewear for a baby shower as it is symbolic of the circle of life, long life and yin/yang. If you are superstitious, it's supposed to bring bad luck to use square plates. Martini glasses, wine glasses (according to my menu!)
How does this sound?...
Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri!
Sangria Punch
Finger Starters/Appetizers:
Baked pita with taramosalata dip (pink)
Melon wrapped with prosciutto (pink)
Crackers with cheese, dill and salmon (pink)
Holed out Pumpernickle with roasted red pepper dip (pink)
Mixed green salad w/beets, prosciutto and grapefruit (triple pink)!
Simple Roast Beef
or A beautiful, succulent and juicy Prime Rib Roast with Rosemary garlic infused oil and jus...(or garlic thyme compote!)
topped with mushroom and onion sauteed in garlic, wine and butter!
Smashed red potatoes (kinda pink) with boiled egg (baby shower tradition), rendered crispy bacon, green onion and garlic!
Baked tomato halves (kinda pink) with shallot and blue cheese!
Puff pastry sticks dipped in strawberry mousse! (pink)
Strawberry ice cream (pink) with Lime flavoured foam and chocolate shavings. (Martini Glass would be nice for this)
haha.. anyways Have Fun and Good Luck.