Does chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bed-post overnight?
2006-04-01 12:35:31 UTC
Does chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bed-post overnight?
Eight answers:
2006-04-01 20:33:57 UTC
Only grape and only on oak.
2006-04-01 21:08:15 UTC
Chewing gum doesn't seem to last as long as it used to these days. The flavour goes after a few minutes.. so i guess it would have lost it's taste before it even reaches the bed post. Lol...but why are you putting it on your bed will go hard and cold!
2006-04-01 20:36:36 UTC
Most chewing gum these days lose their flavor after 2 minutes of chewing!

It will have lost its flavor long before you place it on the bedpost! LOL!!!
2006-04-02 15:47:15 UTC
if u want long lasting gum get "extra" its flavor stays for a while
2006-04-02 02:30:44 UTC
I don't have a bed post so I'm not sure
2006-04-02 01:40:33 UTC
You got the question from that song, right? Yes it does
2006-04-01 21:28:02 UTC
Yes, It absolutely does. It gets dusty too.
2006-04-03 05:57:04 UTC
when my mom tells me to spit it out I swallow it in spite

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