"Go ahead Cabron...drop me...then explain to your boss that you permanently cut the only link to the money." It was risky but I knew I only had one chance. These guys were muscle. I needed to get to the brains.
"Let him up Vinny. He knows what's best for him and the brat. He's gonna make this real easy aren't you desk jockey?" Carlone had done this too many times. It was always easy once they broke, he thought. One more after this and I can go to the track for the afternoon. God I love this job...
"Of course I am." I said. "I don't want any trouble. No amount money is worth my family or my life. I'll do whatever you say as long as I can work out the terms with your boss. You can have everything but I want his word that this'll be it before I hand off the money." They were buying it. I had to move fast and smooth like I've trained to for so long. That time I spent with the Navy SEALS on my first failed book is about to pay off. I knew there was a reason I kept practicing.
Carlone took out his cell phone and hit the speed dial. Vinny was still watching the balcony to make sure their "negotiations" hadn't been observed. He only took his eyes off the mark for a second but it was a lifetime too long.
"Now !" My brain screamed as I slid the holster worn Makarov 9 millimeter from its concealed holster. Instinct took over. I barely heard the sound at all although I knew that the room was exploding with the piercing overpressure of the shots. Carlone fell across the sofa and as I turned to engage Vinny the look on his face seemed to convey that he just couldn't believe that it wasn't butter.
Three shot each. Two to the torso, one to the head. Luckily Vinny fell forward still shocked at what could not possibly have happened just now. I had to move. I grabbed Carlone's phone and it was still ringing.
"Yeah...Did he give up the goods?...", " Carlone?...You there?..."
"He's here." I said. "So' s Vinny. They took a walk. Who are you?"
"Who the freak is this?...", "Ohhh I get it... It's you...Mr. Author...Mr. friggin Shakespeare...". "Put Carlone on the line so we can wrap this thing up and make sure nobody gets hurt."
"He's out front with Vinny. They're pulling the car around so we can go and get the money then go to the drop point. Is my boy ok?"
"He's fine. He's watchin' TV with the boys. You just keep up that nice-nice attitude and this'll all be a memory in no time."
"Look, I'll give you what you want. I'll give it all to you right now. This has to be the end though. I want your word that once we make the hand off we'll both agree to forget the other exists."
"Yeah sure Shakespeare...Whatever. Now where is Carlone."
"I told you, he's out front getting the car with Vinny. Where do you want to meet."
"Carlone knows the place. Just don't be late. My boys have a full dance card if you know what I mean."
"We won't be any later than we have to be. It may take a while for the bank to get all the money together though."
"Forget about it. We'll just do a wire transfer from here when you get here."
"I'm sorry and I don't want to offend you given the situation but I don't trust you. I want to meet in a public place that's safe for both of us."
Tony was really laughing now. This guy was too much but he had some real cajones on him and Tony respected that enough to make the second biggest mistake of the day.
"You know what Shakespeare...I friggin like you I think. Ok, we'll meet in a public place like you want. Where could we do this thing without a big fuss?"
"You know that big seafood market in Coronado on the docks near that Navy base?"
"Yeah sure they got the best Calamari there."
"Seven o'clock tonight just as the market closes. Meet me on the south pier. I'll have on a black jacket."
"Do I need to remind you that anything noble or heroic that might enter your mind will result in the immediate death of you and your whole friggin family?"
"No, you don't. I know exactly what I have to do and I have absolutely no illusions about the risks involved."
"Good. Then we'll meet like you say. You bring the PIN number and I'll bring the kid."
"Fine. Until then..."
I looked at my watch. It was 11:28AM. I had very little time left. My hands were shaking as I searched the bodies.
I had to do it. I had no choice. They never would have believed that the money was all but gone. I should have just sent them after that gold-digging harlot. Too late now. I've made my play and I only have one chance.
I scored a Colt 1911 .45 caliber pistol and a silenced Ruger Mark II .22 caliber pistol from the goomba brothers along with their keys and wallets.
I sprinted down the stairs and just as I hit the underground garage I could hear the sirens at street level.
I pressed the arming button on the late Carlone's key fob and a black BMW M3 beeped at me in a most efficient and German way.
I got in and started it up and as I hit the street I made the phone call that would make or break my entire world...
"Amphibious Operations Team 5"
"Master Chief Fisher please."
"Wait one"
"I'm connecting you to the Master Chief's cellular."
"This is Fisher..."
"Chris? Hi I'm not sure if you remember me or not but I'm a writer and your base commander was a friend of my father's and I..."
"Sure! Yeah!, Hey how have you been man? Still practicing your front sight drills?"
"Actually yes and that's mostly why I'm calling. I need help. They have my son."
"Who does?"
"I can't talk now. I'm on my way to Coronado now. Are you on base still?"
"For certain. We get deployed in two weeks so we're all on the last of our leave. I've got the boys on base sobering up and getting their corners squared again."
"I really need your help. I'm in way over my head."
"No worries man. Your a good man from good stock. Your father was text book warior and a medal of honor recipient. Just tell me what you need."