i bought insect killers, how i can compel a mosquitio to open mouth, to feed the medicine to kill mosquetio?
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2006-02-23 20:55:54 UTC
i bought insect killers, how i can compel a mosquitio to open mouth, to feed the medicine to kill mosquetio?
Six answers:
2006-02-24 01:56:37 UTC
You have to lay the table with your best china and silverware- I mean its going to be "her" last meal. If you must remember your biology the blood sucking mosquito is the female of the species, the male is a strict fruit sucker.

So have some flowers out, maybe a few candles, and lay out the main course - I don't need specify what a mosquito would drink - maybe a martini to dull her senses...

BTW - how big do the mosquitos grow over there? here they need to knock on the front door and enter.
2006-02-24 04:59:51 UTC
I want to know about what type of insect killers u bought..First of all catch the mosquitoes and then spray the killers on to it.
2006-02-24 05:14:27 UTC
For baby mosquitos, try playing 'airplane' and swoop the insecticide inti their mouths. Female mosquitos will gladly gobble it down if you stick it into a chocolate truffle, and male mosquitos will gulp it down if you stir it into beer.
2006-02-24 05:08:35 UTC
if you are silly enough to ask this question, you are stupid enough to follow these directions. 1st take the "medicine" yourself, then sit outside at dusk without a shirt on.
cy ko tic
2006-02-25 03:51:48 UTC
Bugs are actually inside out. All you have to do is touch them with the stuff.
2006-02-24 04:57:02 UTC
OMG! Are you for real!!! ROTFLMAO!

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